Commercial building retail rental, ground floor 2,500$/month Em:1,000$/month E1 to E3: 2,000$/month Advertising Space On roof 200$


🏢Commercial building retail rental:

-Ground floor 2,500$/month 8x25m 1 office 1 bathroom 1 kitchen , space in

front 8m

-Em 1000$/month 12x12m has 3 office and 2 bathroom

-E1 to E3 2000$/month has 12 unit 6 Apartment 6 Boutique ( operating)

-Advertising space on roof 3x11m 100$/month

*Rent the whole building 6000$/month has 16 units and exiting income

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Niisaii’s working hour៖

-Morning ៖ 7:30am-11៖30am

-Evening៖ 1:00pm-5:00pm

*Free customer service ៖

-078 921155 ( cellcard)

-078 921155 (cellcard)

-031 4005488 (Metfone)

*Selling your business៖

-011 229100 (cellcard)

-089 777 082( cellcard)

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business broker.

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