Rental all business 3,500$/month or Sale Soup and BBQ franchise price 58,000$ on Street Cheasophara


-Included deposit : $ 10,000
-Rental: $ 2,000 / month
-Size: 20m x 30m, Eo includes Bedroom: (4) Bathroom:( 4), Kitchen: (1)
10m behind
-Rental Contract: (5 years / years) Available / Operated (1 year, 6 months / month).
-Special Features: On the highway, there are many people passing by and have good transportation.
-Room for guests: 250-300 people
-Reason: The owner is too busy to manage.
-Parking: 6 parking, 10-15 motorbikes and can be parked nearby.
-Location: Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
-More info:
Working Hours:
– 7:30 am-11:30am
– 1:00 pm-5:00pm
-Free 1-hour shop / Free customer service:
-078 921155 (cellcard)
-078 921177 (cellcard)
-031 4005488 (cellcard)
Contact your Selling your business:
-011 229100 (cellcard)

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