️Land for sale (23x60m) at Sihanouk Province (1 meter 80 $).


-Categories : Land
-Price : 110,400 $ ( 80$/m2 )
-Location : Ou bei Village, Ream Commune, Prey Nop District, Preah Sihanouk Province.
-Layout: Hard
👉👉 Description : You can buy this land as a villa, a condominium and you can buy it as a business. The land is conveniently located next to the main road in front of the Ream City Naval Training Center and is located in a crowded downtown area near the market, schools, hospitals, military police and nearly 3km from the sea.
📞📞 Details: 086 277717/067 377767
Niisaii Working Hours :
-Morning : 7:30am-11:30am
-Evening : 1:00pm-5:00pm
Free customer service ៖
-078 921155 ( cellcard)
-078 921177 (cellcard)
-031 4005488 (cellcard)
Selling your business៖
-011 229100 (cellcard)
-089 777 082( cellcard)
FB page : Niisaii-Business Broker
Youtube : Niisaii-Business Broker
To get current business information on real estate and market real estate,
Group link Telegram: t.me/niisaiirealestate Click above link for Business sale and Property under market price.
We looking for Business Management service company or anybody who capable to do this . Thanks in advance for recommendation.
We also need to choose a part-time real estate partner:
1.Tuk Tuk
3.Transit carrier
5.Pure water companies
6.Online Advertising
8.Other locations or partners to promote templates services
You do not have to pay for any promotional material on your property, and when sold through your location or staff, the templates will be distributed to you according to the conditions of the real estate agent.
Details: 087 277717/086 277717

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